
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Using Brother ScanNCut for Barbie doll patterns DIY Tutorial

After my last blog using the ScanNCut for the first time  Using ScanNCut on 18 inch doll clothes I started thinking about how wonderful this machine would be to cut out Barbie doll size patterns/fabric. I have several McCalls and Simplicity Barbie doll size patterns.  I have not used any of them and today my granddaughters and I were going through my patterns and the youngest one loves anything do with Barbie, Monster High and Ever After High dolls. To be honest - I dreaded cutting out the tiny doll clothes and accessories for Barbie doll or any 11.5 - 12 inch doll. I still bought the patterns - cannot pass up a 99 cent sale when Hobby Lobby or other craft stores have them on sale. I had recently purchased McCalls 6903 craft pattern.  The pattern has several dresses and a lot of accessories - 9 different purses. Today,  I decided to use my Brother  ScanNCut machine to cut out the fabric for the doll purses.

I am really really excited to share another awseome tutorial and my personal experience with the Brother ScanNCut machine.

I went through my scraps of fabric and chose several  fabric designs.  I lightly starched them with Faultless Premium starch.  I selected 5 purse patterns from McCalls 6309 pattern , copied them on to card stock and scanned them into the machine. You can lay the actual pattern on the mat, but I always copy my patterns onto cardstock to preserve the original pattern. As you can see in the photo I have an empty space.  I need to cut two for this particular purse so instead of cutting the pattern twice on the cardstock - I will duplicate in the machine.
After scanning the pattern, I went had and placed all the fabric pieces onto my mat. I did a background scan.  The background scan will show the pattern fabric onto your screen.  This allows you to move your patterns and place them where you want the machine to cut out the pattern.  You can move the pattern pieces where ever you want  - meaning if I wanted another fabric design that the one I moved the purse pattern on I can move them to another or move them back.  It allows you to see how it will look before it is cut out...great option of seeing it before it is cut. 

Here I am selecting the pattern I need two of....

Here I have selected the pattern as shown in photo below and duplicated the purse pattern I needed to cut of see red box surrounding the pattern below.

Selecting the cut button and hitting the start button for the machine to cut the purses. 
Cutting the fabric for the doll purses
Using the spatula removing the excess fabric

Here are the Five doll purses that only took a matter of a few minutes to cut out. If I would have done this by hand, it would have taken a lot longer. 
It would have taking me a lot longer to  have cut these small tiny doll purse patterns out by hand and these would not have been cut - precise and perfect as they are here.

There is so much potential for this ScanNCut machine.  If you want to save time - this machine will do just that for you.  It literally took me less than 30 minutes, print pattern onto carsdtock and cut out  purse patterns tobe place on mat, to choose fabric scraps, to prep fabric, to scan patterns, to cut fabric and remove from mat. Really it was that quick.

I haven't sewn them together yet....was so excited to get this tutorial out to you. It took me longer to download and crop photos and write this blog than it did cutting out the doll purses with the ScanNcut machine. 
 Once I sew the purses,  I will update with photo's.  I cannot wait to try it on Barbie doll clothes....another  small item that would take time to cut precise perfect fabric pieces. I know my youngest granddaughter will be so happy that her GiGi is now sewing her doll clothes for her Barbie dolls and she doesn't have to drool over looking at all the Barbie patterns I have.

As always, I hope to inspire you to achieve your goals and dreams - Do not let fear keep you trying new and exciting crafts.

Thanks GiGi

Full Disclosure: I was provided with a free machine and have been compensated for the projects and tutorials that I have personally created.  My opinions and my thoughts are my own and cannot be purchased. 

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