
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Esty Store Created

Well, after several hours of working online creating my Etsy store - I have now created my own online store to sell my creative doll clothes and other items.

Once again - if you have set any goals for 2013 - go for it. 



  1. Fabulous! I'll be following your blog! Let me know how etsy selling goes, I've not had the guts to do it myself. Your faithful Pinterest follower,
    Amy from

  2. Thanks Amy. I will keep you posted. Within hours of opening I had 34 views so that is a good thing I guess. I am not looking to pay my bills with selling doll clothes. It is just a passion I have now - acutally an addiction. Every time I see or talk to my oldest granddaughter she always ask - Did you make anything new for the dolls? I want to do a blog on The Serger - taming the beast. I just got one this weekend.....have not even plugged in the cord. I have several pins with tutorials, just need to sit down and watch them.

  3. I have an inexpensive singer finishing touch. I love it! I'm not going to lie took me about a week to learn how to thread it.

    Sewing is just fun for me too. I like to do craft shows a lot. I haven't really sold online because I don't know how I feel about going to the post office all the time. I make a little money sewing , but it's definitely not a profit if you know what I mean.

    Someday I'd like to make money on the blog. At least, I think I do. I'd like to make money on advertising rather than selling. That way I can write and make what I want. I'd hate to turn something I love into a job.

  4. I just purchases Brother 1034D online from Joanns (should have got from Amazaon was about $30 less.) I did purchase the Beginner Serger from Amy on Craftsy which is a big help. I do have several tutorials from blogs and videos saved on my serger board on pinterest. This morning I turned it on for the first time and made some stitches.... with the tutorial video I bought from Craftsy. I didn't order any thread when I purchased it. I did order some later after talking with some bloggers on which type of threads work best that have the same serger and I am still waiting to receive my shipped confirmation from Joanns. I got 4 small colored thread and cannot sew white jersey knit t-shirts with those colors. As for the blog and buttons - I will just have to learn how to add them.. I agree sewing is for fun. It is my therapy...LOL
